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    Guest book. Records 328 - 319.

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    vladimir writes:
    I don't know dude, I am new here and I just spent some time reading all the entries for the last few months. And from what I read I think maybe you are still an "intern".That other guy, phil might be close to his "residency" status but neither of you are yet "doctors". If you do choose to practice as a "doctor" I advise you to get some malpractice insurance. You know, to recoup some of the money these tarts are tricking you out of. Take in on the chin, no offense meant.

    Ben writes:
    I have to warn you guys. This "doctor" is still very much active on this website.

    phil writes:
    Well, Ben it is trial and error and I do not think I am an expert but I have learned a lot. It is like swimming in a tank with sharks, not knowing which one will bite you or when you will be bitten. Just know that as soon as any talk or suggestion of sending money for "any" reason comes up it is time to move to the next woman. For many reasons not the least of which is the fact that there are just too many to choose from to need to take any risks. I too have spent 3 trips in the apartment of women but only after they invited me to stay with them and only women who have no children and who live alone. A lot of it has to do with your or my ability to write the correct words. I am a part time writer and maybe that gives me an edge? I am on 5 different sites at this time and usually have 5 to 10 letters a day. 75% of them I dismiss as soon as I read them because they are exactly like 1000 other letters I have received. I am not sure if the women are coaxed at the agency or if there are standard form letters maybe used or purchased by the girls. If the letter is personally written to me (mentioning things in my profile or in my pictures)I pay attention to the letter and the intentions of the writer. I wish you luck in the Ukraine and I will tell you that recently I spent 10 days in Brazil and had a very memorable stay. The woman was crazy but also beautiful and had sex constantly on her mind which I did not know would be the situation. Just some luck I did not expect. There is a l

    Ben writes:
    Well, Phil, since you have had good luck, why don't you share some insights so we too, can be successful. I know of nothing else but trial and error. Why would I not trust her in buying my plane tickets or renting an apartment? I don't know Russian. I would not have any regrets in giving money or helping out a single mother that I am dating, but I do resent being lied to or being cheated out of it. I would have given her more if she asked honestly. I do believe there are honest people and dishonest people and that is the risk we take in going through AOB or any other website. We are supposed to find our mate for life here. When is it that you decide you know her? I gave her the money for her "medical practice" after staying with her in her apartment with her son for three days. I stayed there for one week. I never did see the apartment that I rented. She also lived with her mother. Her mother and her dog went there. I never did complain about her, because I don't want to go through the "show me the proof" process. If I had done some things different, perhaps we would be toghether now, but I didn't. I still had a nice time. I think now of how it would be if we went through getting married. I'm glad I didn't. But, I am trying again. I leave for Ukraine in three weeks!

    phil writes:
    You guys are killin me, this section is called "guestbook" not "daily blog site". (they have a thing called e-mail for this stuff!) I almost thought when reading the comments that I was reading a comedy sketch. Talking about getting "laid" and asking for sex ahead of time and giving money to a woman you do not know and all the unfortunae experiences which only point to bad planning and a serious lack of understanding of the forces at work on a site like this and how to use them to your advantage. I am not a know it all or a pompous jerk...just a guy who has had very good luck on dating sites and who is taking his time to find the correct woman. There are a few problems with this site but there are also a few others that are much worse. And please try to not give me a lot of flack because of what I wrote. It may not sound like it but I am on your side!

    Ben writes:
    Well said, Eric and Francis. I did all the wrong things on my last visit. There are many things I could have done different, but perhaps others can learn from my experience. I corresponded with a lady for a couple of months and after I bought my ticket and only one month until my trip, she changed her mind. I had one month to find a lady and I decided on the "doctor", who I visited after only one letter and several phone calls. I had her arrange my accomodations in Zaporozhye. She said it cost $100 USD a day. I found out later that nothing in Zaporozhye cost more than $40. I gave her the money for my plane fare back to Kiev as soon as I got there. When it was time to buy it, she no longer had it. She said she needed money to start her medical practice. Since I was there to get a wife and she was the only one I visited, I gave it to her. I don't know how she got along on her salary or what she told me she made, but I did see that she a dress and when she told me we were going to go buy souvenirs for me to take home, we actually went to the grocery - retail store where we bought a few weeks worth of groceries. On top of that, she was constantly on her computer, chatting with married men she knew. Of course, this is just a few things that happened. I cannot tell everything, but I am glad I did not go through with it. I didn't have a choice. I e-mailed her about a dozen times when I got home and she answered two and stopped. I did not call her. She did go to bed

    Francis writes:
    Thanks, Eric. I had exactly the same thing to say, and can confirm it from experience. I would also like to add that, asking for sex long distance makes you seem small to a genuine woman. And if indeed you are in here for sex, why bother to use this site or any such site that is meant to establish a life-long relationship through marriage. There are plenty other sites geared towards that goal and would gladly accept you as their member. In the latter case, you won't even have to spend so much in traveling so far. Don't you think it is ridiculous, demeaning, and cheap talk? How would you feel if a woman asked the same from you?

    Eric writes:
    If you are asking for sex in your letters to these women, or any women for that matter you are lacking in social understanding. Women will have these relations with you if you have established a strong bond through correspondence, and hit it off when you visit them. To bring it up as a subject other than possibly to mention that you are healthy, is almost without class. Once you get past the first few letters and she isn't asking for money, and you start to detect some warmth, SHE IS ALMOST CERTAINLY NOT A SCAMMER, and will have sex with you when you meet her, if you win her heart. I can only imagine how cheap and disappointed a girl would feel to be asked this. How embarrassed will she be reading the letter at the agency, or worse yet having it read to her over the phone. Think about it!

    John writes:
    OK thanks for that. I am a bit puzzled though as to why she would need to ask her brother for permission. Are you sure that she is not being prostituted? My inclination would be to think that if you asked a girl for sex she would either slap you across the face or agree and you'd both have a really good time. But I do want to hear stories from anyone who has had sex with any of these girls and what it was like in terms of the relationship? Were they genuine or were they using you? Anyway the girl I have been talking to has agreed to have sex with me, I've decided that I'm going to go and visit her, and unless there are any fish hooks you can think of I think I'mgoing to enjoy my trip very much.

    Ben writes:
    So John, if she has sex with you, she is sincere? I don't have an answer for you, but I'll tell you a story. I asked one of the women, still active here, for sex. She is 36 years old, and a "doctor". She lived with her mother and her son. Her brother lived somewhere else, but since her mother is divorced, he was probably the patriarch of the family. She calls her brother for permission.

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